Air Canada Baggage Claim PDF Details

When travelers face the misfortune of their baggage going missing during their journey with Air Canada, engaging with the Air Canada Baggage Claim form becomes a necessary step towards finding a resolution. This document serves a pivotal role, not only in intensifying the search efforts to locate the missing luggage but also acting as a foundational piece for initiating a claim, should the baggage remain untraceable. It embodies the airline's commitment to addressing such distressing situations, underscored by the directive that if, after a span of five days, the baggage remains undiscovered, passengers are required to complete and submit this form. Central to its effectiveness is the completeness and accuracy of the information provided; any discrepancies could significantly impede the search process despite the diligent efforts of Air Canada's staff. It requires claimants, especially those residing in North America, to dispatch the completed form to the Montreal office, with specific protocols for passengers from other regions. Critical to the process is the submission of specific documents alongside the claim form, including airline tickets, baggage claim checks, and if applicable, excess baggage receipts—to substantiate the claim. Moreover, the conditions highlighted reflect a broader framework governed by various international conventions and airline policies that delineate the scope of liability and potential compensation. This deliberate structure underscored in the form emphasizes not only Air Canada's dedication towards rectifying the issue but also the intricacies involved in navigating through the claims process effectively.

Form NameAir Canada Baggage Claim
Form Length7 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out1 min 45 sec
Other namesbaggage air canada claim, air canada claim baggage, canada baggage claim, baggage claim declaration

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In the unlikely event that your missing baggage has not been returned to you within 5 days of your travel, you should complete this Baggage Declaration form.

The form has a dual purpose: to augment the tracing efforts and to be used as the basis of a claim should the search prove unsuccessful. We know that finding your missing baggage is more important to you than the limited indemnities described below. An erroneous or incomplete description will hamper the tracing in spite of our staff’s best efforts and could hinder any settlement.

If you reside in North America, the completed form should be mailed to our Montreal office at the address below. Residents of other countries should send it to the closest Air Canada office. PLEASE INCLUDE ALL AIRLINE TICKETS, BAGGAGE CLAIM CHECKS, AND EXCESS


TO SUBSTANTIATE YOUR CLAIM . PLEASE ATTACH A PHOTOCOPY OF A SIGNED PHOTO IDENTIFICATION. If you have homeowner/household insurance, baggage or credit card insurance against which you may claim, please complete question # 13.

Air Canada Baggage Claims

Air Canada ZIP 1116

P. O. Box 8000, station Airport

Dorval, Quebec

H4Y 1C3

Any claim must be made in writing wit hin 21 days of your arrival. This completed signed Baggage Declaration form is the official written notice of a claim. The report made at the airport is an incident report only. All claims will be processed as quickly as possible.

The Conditions of Contract on your ticket/e-ticket itinerary refer to limitations of liability based on tariffs, and/or the Warsaw Convention and/or the Montreal Convention. These amounts are not automatically payable but reflect what the maximum compensation might be, as each claim is subject to proof of loss.

Please note that special rules apply to fragile and perishable items and that consequential damages such as loss of enjoyment, loss of business, inconvenience, etc. are not compensable.

Please also note that for domestic travel within Canada, or for any travel where none of the aforementioned Conventions apply, airlines are not liable for the loss of money, jewellery, silverware, samples, business documents, electronic equipment or other valuable articles, whatever the circumstances.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. We sincerely hope that our combined efforts will result in the prompt return of your missing property.



Baggage Tracing Number : (ex. Y ULAC12345) ___ ___________ _____________________________________________________

I, Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. ________________________________________________________________________________________________

(Family Name/ s)

( Given Name/ s)



(Name as indicated on Passport if different from above )______________________________________________________________

do solemnly declare that on the____________ day of ___________ year _________________________________________

I checked baggage belonging to ___________________________________________________________________________

which is now missing and for which this c laim is made.





Flight number

Full date

1.Number of persons travelling together:____________________Infants (under 2 yrs)________________________________________

Ticket numbers _________________________________________________________________________________________________

2.Total number of bags checked ____________Number of bags received __________Number missing ___________________________

3.Claim check numbers_____________________________________________________________________________________________


Weight of missing bag(s) 1.______Lbs/Kgs 2.______Lbs/Kgs 3. ______Lbs/Kgs 4.______ Lbs/Kgs

5.Were you charged for “Excess Baggage”?___________________ _ __Amount paid __________________________________________

(Attach receipt)

6.Did you declare “excess valuation” and purchase additional coverage?_____ Value declared_________________________________

Amount paid ________________________________________________

(Attach receipt)

7.Was there a name and address label on the bag(s) – if so, what did it show _______________________________________________

8.Was there any other identification on the bag(s)? (i.e. tags, stickers, ribbons)_____________________________________________

9.Was loss reported?______________Time______________Date______________By phone or in person__________________________

To which airline?____________________________________________________Where?_______________________________________

If missing baggage not reported immediately upon arrival, state reason for the delay_______________________________________


Are you pursuing this claim with another carrier?________________________Carrier?_______________________________________

10.Was your baggage rerouted or rechecked enroute? _ _________ Where? __________________________________________________

Why? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

By which airline? _______________________________________ New tag numbers _________________________________________

11.Where/When did you last see your baggage for which you are claiming? _________________________________________________

12.Was baggage, for which this claim is being made, cleared through Customs? _____________________________________________

If so, where?________________ Were contents inspected? ____________________________________________________________

After clearance, where was bag placed?____________________By whom? _______________________________________________

13.Do you have any insurance covering the missing items? _______________ Will you be claiming from them?____________________

Name / Address of insurance company ____________________________________________________________________________

14.Other relevant information or comments___________________________________________________________________________



Frequent Flyer ID : ___________________________________

Dat e of Birt h : _____________________________________


Residence Address :



Residence Tel (____)___________________________ Cell (____)____________________________________

E-Mail : ___________________________________________________________________________________

Company Name : ________________________________________________________________+___________

Business Address : ___________________________________________________________________________

Business Tel.: (____)_________________________________________________________________________

Any prior address (wit hin past 2 years): ____________ ____________________ _________________


Prior Tel .: (____)___________________________________________________________________________

Have you, or any member of your household, ever had a previous claim with Air Canada or any

other airline?  YES  NO

If yes, give name of Carrier _______________________ and date _________________________________

For t he purpose of t racing your baggage as well as processing and verifying your claim, it is somet imes necessary t o disclose personal informat ion t hat you have provided us t o a baggage t racing dat abase (World Tracer), which is accessible by ot her part icipat ing airlines and handling agencies.

I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under oath. I understand this declaration may be subject to review and investigation and I hereby give Air Canada the authority to require from anyone any documents or statements in relation to this declaration.

According to section 131 and 132 of the Criminal Code, any person who makes a solemn declaration knowing that the declaration is false, is guilty of an indictable offense and may be liable for imprisonment for a term not exceeding fourteen years. Similar laws are applicable in other countries.

I also understand that Air Canada may disallow any claim for loss, which contains misrepresentations, including false statements concerning whether or not previous claims have been made with Air Canada or other carriers.

Claimant’s Signature ________________________________________ Date: ______________________






Identify bag/article type on Airline Baggage Identification Chart (see page 6)

Please ensure that you provide a complete itemized list of all contents in your baggage. Please be specific and use common terminology (i . e. shi r t , sweat er , t ur t l eneck, bl ouse,

dr ess, ski r t , t r ouser s, sweat pant s, j eans…)



Size, Color, Brand,

Manufacturer, Serial

Number (s) etc.


Female Infant (M/F/I)

Date of Purchase


Where purchased


Purchase Price

If more than one bag involved, please list contents of each additional bag on a separate sheet.


If possible, show in Canadian or US Dollars


(If applicable, show rate of exchange.) .



Airline Baggage Identification Chart

Circle appropriate item and supply Brand, Color and Size descriptions

Circle any descriptive elements (pockets, wheels, etc. )






____________________________ZIPPERED YES













Did you enclose:

θAirline Ticket (s) / E- Ticket / It inerary

θBaggage Claim Check(s)

θBoarding Pass

θOriginal Purchase Receipt s

θIt emized list for each addit ional bag

θPhot ocopy of signed phot o ident ificat ion


How to Edit Air Canada Baggage Claim Online for Free

Managing documents using our PDF editor is simpler as compared to anything else. To change air canada bagages the form, you'll find nothing for you to do - only adhere to the actions below:

Step 1: The following website page has an orange button that says "Get Form Now". Hit it.

Step 2: Now, you can begin modifying your air canada bagages. The multifunctional toolbar is at your disposal - add, delete, alter, highlight, and perform several other commands with the content in the document.

These sections will create the PDF document that you'll be creating:

portion of blanks in declaration air baggage canada

Write down the details in the Claim check numbers, Weight of missing bags LbsKgs, LbsKgs LbsKgs, LbsKgs, Attach receipt, Did you declare excess valuation, Was there a name and address, Was your baggage rerouted or, WhereWhen did you last see your, Was baggage for which this claim, and Do you have any insurance area.

declaration air baggage canada Claim check numbers, Weight of missing bags LbsKgs, LbsKgs  LbsKgs, LbsKgs, Attach receipt, Did you declare excess valuation, Was there a name and address, Was your baggage rerouted or, WhereWhen did you last see your, Was baggage for which this claim, and Do you have any insurance blanks to fill

Note down any details you are required in the segment Do you have any insurance, and Other relevant information or.

declaration air baggage canada Do you have any insurance, and Other relevant information or fields to fill

The space Frequent Flyer ID Date of Birth, Residence Address, Residence Tel Cell, EMail, Company Name, Business Address, Business Tel, and Any prior address wit hin past will be where you add both parties' rights and responsibilities.

Completing declaration air baggage canada part 4

Finish by reading the next sections and completing them as required: Prior Tel, Have you or any member of your, YES cid, If yes give name of Carrier and, For t he purpose of t racing your, I make this solemn declaration, According to section and of the, I also understand that Air Canada, and Claimants Signature Date.

declaration air baggage canada Prior Tel, Have you or any member of your, YES cid, If yes give name of Carrier  and, For t he purpose of t racing your, I make this solemn declaration, According to section  and  of the, I also understand that Air Canada, and Claimants Signature  Date fields to complete

Step 3: Select "Done". You can now transfer the PDF file.

Step 4: Make duplicates of your file - it may help you refrain from potential future complications. And don't get worried - we do not share or check your details.

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